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Those Doldrums

What do we do when we hit a doldrum? A placetime when we feel uninspired, unmagical? Panic? (Yes, sometimes.) Wait it out? (Do we have a choice, really?) Try to force it? (Extra Study! Pressure!)

There are a bazillion blogs posts, articles, and studies about down time, and how it's necessary. For some of us, and I definitely include myself in that count, down time is a difficult thing. Especially in the realm of inspired practice, it feels like a punishment. It can feel like a total loss of ability, aptitude, knowledge. The urge to double-down on study, get another book, join another group online, or otherwise "make good use of your time" can hit hard.

Sometimes it's best to sit back and consider what is going on in a non-accusatory way.

A possibility: we are not done yet. Like a seed, the ideas and lessons have been planted. They need time to grow. Trying to pile more and more on at this point would be like over-watering. Let them germinate, get rooted.

A possibility: we are tired. Living in the world can be exhausting. Eat as nutriously as you can, and actually sleep as much as you can. Let yourself wander without assignment.

A possibility: there is other stuff going on that needs our attention. Mundane stuff like work and bills and taking care of business. We do still have to do it. Trying to pressure yourself in one area as a distraction from another area is a common habit, but ultimately not helpful.

Yes, the doldrums can be difficult to navigate.

Sometimes it is important to just drift a bit.

The wind will return.

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