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Speak Truth of the Dead

Another celebrity died recently. I won't name names, because this is a common enough situation that I am taking this opportunity to generalize for the sake of the spell. The dead person was abusive. Many people loved their art, and so wrote or spoke highly of them. For victims of abuse, this kind of thing can be very hurtful, and can bring into question the nature of the people we know.

Eliding abuse for the sake of not "speaking ill" of the dead is a disservice to the living, and to the idea of honor. If they had wanted to be spoken well of, they should have acted well. Just writing a good song does not make up for mistreating people.

This spell is aimed at the living who Forget. It goes well with a drum, or a rattle if you like. Clapping, as well, is an old way to dispell enchantment.

Let The person you met who entertained you enough to Forget Truths that would strain you

Be exposed in your mind revealing the kind

of world built by Silence.

Light a candle for the sake of both kindling the flame of truth, and dispelling the darkness of secrets we should not keep.

A dark shadow is surrounded by the orange mists of the Flame Nebula. Stars shine through.
Flame Nebula

Think about how you live. Think about those you love.

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