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Runes and Grief 24: Ehwaz

I am writing this on the night of June 24, 2022. This morning, the US Supreme Court knocked over Roe V Wade, a 50-year-old decision giving women the right to abortion. It is not the end of their plans, of course. Many things are in their sights.

I have not felt such heavy grief since September 11, 2001. This collective grief and fear and flying opinions by those attempting to blame the people who will be most affected or attempting to minimize the chasm into which we have fallen is intense.

What can we do when our collective soul is wailing in pain and anger and grief and fear?

This last rune of this experiment is Ehwaz. Horse, union, partnership, joining of dualities. I am going to go with Gundarsson here and say "Ehwaz brings power under the guidance of wisdom." (Teutonic Way, p 130)

Now is the time to realize and accept and wield our power - not indiscriminately, but guided by wisdom. What has worked in the past? What has not? What has not yet been tried?

As Horse, it is important to move forward - so what has not been tried cannot be dismissed out of hand. Everything at some time was untried.

To pull through this grief, this deprivation of human rights - with promises that more rights will be stripped away - we need to unite, to become a multi-faceted, multi-strengthed, multi-wisdomed unit.

Connect, conspire, conquer.

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