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Runes and Grief 21: Algiz /Elhaz

Our twenty-first randomly-pulled Rune is Algiz/Elhaz. The most common (as in agreed-upon) elements of this rune are of protection and connection. Taken by some to mean elk, and others elk-sedge (a sawtooth grass that grows at waters' edge and cuts those who grab it unknowingly), and others as Swan (Algiz), which relates to the swan-maidens (Valkyries). It is often used in protective magic.

In terms of grief, I think of Algiz/Elhaz as the setting of boundaries. We are tender, metaphorically bleeding, and need to protect ourselves. We have every right to do so. Warding our space and our hearts against unwanted intruders (as we define them) is a necessary thing to take to ensure our well being. We often forget we have the right to say No.

Those who would try to make a grab for our time or attention after No might experience the shock of a bigger, also justified No in much the same way an unwary hunter feels the shock of the sedge-grass when they grab without awareness. That is, really, and please believe me, on them. You have the right to set boundaries.

If we have also been tasked with fulfilling the wishes of the dead as far as how they are taken care of, their treasures dispersed, and their obituary written, then we have a connection we need to protect. It is an honor to be asked to do such things, though it can be overwhelming. We are, in a way, making their last connection to this plane in carrying out these duties.

It is important to remember to say Yes sometimes when help is offered. Carefully, and only when you feel confident that this trust is safe. It is also important to accept the spiritual connections that can be made when they, too, feel safe. It can be a time of broadening such connections purposefully.

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