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Poemspell of Justice

Cast spells, not aspersions, come be your best version, withdraw energy, every spark, leave them to bump around in the dark.

On breaking off contact, energy conservation, and minding what you're feeding. You might have heard some of this before.

"I just don't like that {redacted} is getting away with it." This was my son to me the other day, remarking passionately on a complex issue. He wanted to make them hurt, to leave them in a position of reduced circumstances in hopes that they would wake up to their actions.

It doesn't work that way. Seldom, anyway. I want to break contact, but effectively. I don't care much about debt repayment (would be nice, but I see it as another string they use to tie me up). Knowing when to cut your losses along with the strings is an important part of life.

Flail or Scale? (J/K - it's a scale.)

Realizing what can be balanced and what has to be tipped over is hard at times.

What do you value? What will you fight for?

In the heathen community (such as it is), there's a lot of emphasis put on honor and battle. Battle, though, does not always involve a sword, even figuratively. Battle is not always appropriate, anyway. I think a lot of the community outlook is colored by the idea of attaining Valhalla. Fight and fight and fight. And die to fight another day. There is a very militaristic approach - all problems result in combat.

Honor is a slippery thing. I think a lot of our ideas of honor are deeply colored by post-conversion rhetoric. The idea that your honor can be stolen or besmirched by another is rife. You insult me, I take revenge. I demand satisfaction. What, though, does satisfaction look like? A trouncing? What about honor as a thing we build for ourselves? "People die, cattle die, but a reputation does not die" - to paraphrase. Counter attacks on reputation with honorable acts.

Walking away from an unwinnable (to say nothing of unworthy) battle does not make you a doormat, it makes you smart. It gives you the opportunity to put your energies where they belong; in directions making things better.

Do a spell of releasing, of cutting ties. The opposite of love is not hate, but dismissing.

Keep your energy clean, direct it well.

They are going to do what they're going to do. Don't light their way.

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