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Où est mon Flying Broom?

I am disappointed that I cannot wiggle my nose and have things magically done. I am disappointed that I do not live in a pretty bottle. I am disappointed that thunder does not flash, lightening strike me, and I rise up more powerful than before. Where is the Booming Voice initiating me into The Wonder? Where is the flock of Ravens that always follow me? Where is my glowing orb of destruction of mine enemies? Who is in charge here? I want to see the Manager!

O, Hollywood, you have a lot to answer for.

The experience of the gods, wights, spirits, and land are generally not as dramatic as presented in fiction. Often they are very personal, quiet, and calm. In listening for the thunder, we might miss them. What else do we miss? We miss the opportunities to use our energy well.

While we're waiting for the bolt of lightening or sudden discovery of Sabrina-level magicking, we overlook the power we already hold. We hold the power to send out good energy, to direct our efforts toward change - on large and small scales.

Choosing to consider "true" spiritual experiences as being full of fire and action and neatly-scripted interactions is choosing to ignore the magic of daily life. Choosing to only accept experiences as "real" if there is some precedence in a book (even Eddas), film, or show is choosing to ignore the connections you have and the part you can play in this continuing saga of life on Earth. It is an abdication of power and responsibility.

In waiting for the booming voice of Odin, we miss the Odin in the quiet stranger we meet. In waiting for the visions of Hel - half alive, half dead as has been described - we miss the the beauty of Hel in those who are dying among us. We seek the powerful sexiness and strength of Freya while disdaining our own flesh. This is a rejection of the world. There is nothing magical about that.

We need to turn toward the world.

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