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Just Move Ahead

I am trying some new methods of divination. New to me, anyway. Like so many of us, I am part of a number of online groups for the exchange of esoteric ideas, and one which I was reminded of was the casting of lots (sticks). There is a lot (har) we don't know about how it was done - how big were the sticks, what, exactly, does "casting" mean, what kind of wood - were they wood? - and so on. It's one of those things (in this group of people, anyway) which we had read about, but about which the sources we had did not go into detail.

The idea grabbed me, though, and I needed to cast the lots! Being as nine is a potent number in my path (and many paths - the three-ing of threes, the nine worlds, and so on), I decided that Nine Lots was the how many. Should they be chopsticks? Should I order special sticks Just For This? (See next blog in a few days on that subject.) Do I know a tree that needs nine less bits of itself? I let my hair down and had my answer.

My lots are nine hair pins I have already. They are about four inches long, give or take, and made of reclaimed water buffalo bone.

The idea of casting lots in this case is relating to stories we'd read of casting Rune Lots. There's a lot of discussion about runes to begin with - were they carved, what of, by whom, and etc. The Lots issue stems from the idea that there might not have been rune discs or stones or whatnot, but lots - straight(ish) sticks thrown to see what runes were naturally produced in the way the lines fell.

First casting:

That's.. A lot of Isa? Huh. Okay.

Second casting:

Well. That could be a Kenaz. Generally nice to see. Kenaz is good, I like it. Light the way, good health, and such. Since I did not have a question, and was just seeing if there was the possibility of this even being a thing, I take it as a good sign that, yes, this could be a thing.

Third cast:

I am not trying to make you dizzy by flipping the photo over - just trying to make it easier to see the URUZ involved. This is nifty, considering that the line is the root of the runes themselves. So, I take this as an indication that, yes, getting to the primal lines is a good thing to add to my tool chest. I will cast away!

It's not always easy to pick up a new tool if you've found one or two that really work for you. Remember that picking up a new hammer does not mean you discard your drill. It means you have a different tool for a different sort of job. Some spirits might like runes, some might like cards, some might like sticks, some might like...? Stepping into a new way of communication can also help break away from complacency. It keeps your talents and mind elastic - growing, stretching.

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