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Isa Time!

It gets away from us all every now and then. Things come up, intentions get neglected. O, I'll do that ritual (or write that blog post!) a bit later. Oops, I mean tomorrow. Oops, next week. Oops.

Then enough time goes by and I think the pattern I'd been so careful about setting for myself has been irrevocably broken and I will never do X again because... Because? I got a lot out of doing X. Does my lapse have to be permanent? No! Of course not.

I think we get caught up in the idea that a gap in actions is unforgivable. But why would we need to seek forgiveness in the first place?

Look now: Fallow times happen and are needed. You do well to re-start (especially when that thing is fulfilling), but I think we can do even better to re-start with love for ourselves and appreciating that we are doing X, rather than focusing on the X we were not doing before re-starting.

I invite you to pick up that candle, incense, pen, paint, sculpture, knitting, or whatever magic or mundane thing that you like to do and have been putting off. Cast a little spell. Write a sentence or favorite word. Paint a very small flower or streak of color. Take two minutes. Isa is a rune that is often taken to mean stagnation. And it can do, but one day I was feeling tired and right before pulling a rune, I wished there was one for "Nap". I pulled Isa, because the runes are sometimes very straightforward like that. Isa means stillness, pause. It's preceded by Naudhiz, need, and followed by Jera, year, or harvest. It's not the last rune, so we don't stop at it forever or we do risk that stagnation. We can pause. But we also need to continue.

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