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Is This Thing On? And a Grumple.

Time does go by, and it goes especially quickly when emergencies and recovery therefrom are involved. But it passes, and we persevere the best we can until we are steady again.

Tonight I would like to talk about Demand. I have been talking with artist and spiritual friends, and artistic spiritual friends, about what is expected of us in this age. We are all familiar, I am sure, with the idea that if you are not making money with it, it's not Real. I will tell you where that idea has gotten me. I have a closet full of healing beads who have not been made into the necklaces, earrings, bracelets or charms that I want to get into people's hands. I have a notebook of ideas for stories and posts that I have not written even though I want them to get to people's eyeballs (or ears, if text-to-speech is needed). Because once it gets to making things or writing things with the express idea of selling, I just fall into Don't Mode. Annoying!

While I will not work for free - I am not allowed - I have had a hard time with many of the models of work for pay. I think I have discussed why I do not do walk-in readings any more- in short; One, opening myself to random energy is exhausting. Two, this is not a parlor trick to be performed on demand - and that's what it was feeling like. Also, and this is purely me and my grumple-self: Sometimes people have just the most banal questions and I am tired of some of them entirely because the answer to these questions is usually pretty much the same. So allow me to answer your banal questions - based on the most consistent answers the runes and cards have helped me give over the years: Q: When will I find love?

A: Generally, there is work to be done in re LOVING YOUR OWN SELF before you will be ready to engage with another person. People hate that, because a lot of us judge our lovableness by whether someone else is paying attention to us. Unstable in our own love for self, we allow a lot of hooey to get involved and, due to poor boundaries, end up hurt again. So, even if a primo, A+ person comes along, YOU not being ready is the real pitfall. (This is not a satisfying answer! But, Lover, love thyself!)

Q: When will my promotion/big job come along?

A: Is this what you really want? Are you in the right place? Why are you doing the profession you're doing? I know, these are counter-questions. Sometimes there are reasons things are not falling into place. Some of these reasons are systemic (old boy's club is still a thing, automation, nepotism, etc). Other times it's a way of giving you a clue that you need to look at why you want what you want. Sometimes because you just got stuck in wanting it because it's the Way Things Are Done. Sometimes it's outside pressure (parents, peer, etc). Sometimes you are still gripping a dream you thought you had but really need to examine where you want to be and how to parlay what you have going now into that, rather than climbing further up the mountain you no longer want.

Q: When will I die? A: I do not know, and if I did, I would not tell you. Consult your doctor, look both ways before you cross the street, wear a helmet, and otherwise take care of yourself. Also, things are very variable - there are possibilities, likelihoods, and stuff, and I can tell you some of those, but there are also things we can do to alter the outlook. (PS - If you already "know" how you will die and are just testing the reader, that's rude and you are also wrong.)

Anyhoo. I am writing again. I am doing other things again, too, still. But I am not answering any of these questions in a professional capacity ever again. (End Grumple!)

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