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Imperfections and Expectations

We are imperfect, and that's excellent. There's a lot of talk about striving for perfection, about how we should become perfect. Throw that away. Being imperfect is how we learn. As long as we're trying to be conscious of how our actions affect each other and the multiverse, that's pretty good.

I say this at a time when I am embarking on a new thing - many new things. There's this idea that you have to Have It Down before you venture out and practice. But how can you? Reading all the books in the world (and I try to) is not the same as actually doing the thing - whatever thing! Your connection with the Other, or the Continuum, or whatever you want to call it can be impeded by letting too many voices tell you how it Should Be. Maybe it was like that for the writers or youtubers or whomever, but your relationship to the work, spirits, gods and goddesses, is going to be gloriously yours.

The movies show us examples of shamans, or volvas, or magicians, or etc who are well advanced in their practice - and of course who have massive armies of special effects workers and brilliant costumers at their disposal, plus someone writing a script where it all goes to plan. From these (yes, attractive) examples, we human beings tend to model our expectations of our own selves in our workings. If there is not a possession, a discussion with a god/ess on a mountaintop, and a personal dragon, we figure we must be doing something wrong.

But let me tell you. From experience. It doesn't go all smoke and fire, generally speaking. It goes better. It goes deeper. It feels, if you let it in.

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