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Good Starts

Hail and hello! I have been moving house, which is always a chore, even under the best of circumstances.

Going back a bit, I wrote about Envy, and what it means. I envied a friend's achievement at something I had wanted, but had not yet worked for. Obviously, the solution was to get up and Do The Things needed to make my own desires come into being. And so I did.

I prayed, and I made offerings, and I also called numbers and showed up for appointments and drew runes in places and wrote checks, and prayed and rune-d and offered more. Ultimately, I signed a lease and have a space that I will be dedicating to deeper work.

My first rune pull on moving in was Ansuz and Wunjo.

Ansuz: Communication, breath, words, Odin. Wunjo: Joy.

My oath to make this a place of deepening work has been given and accepted with joy. The lines of communication are open. Frigga bless this house and all who enter into it. Freyja let this be a place of physical joy, defended from all enemies.

Thor, let us fight together to maintain balance. Siff, let work together to bring abundance.

Hel, thank you for your example of hospitality, I strive to follow your lead.

Baldr, I will do what I can to make a better world.

Odin, I will sacrifice self to self in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

Loki, your cunning is appreciated here.

Now to unpack all these boxes.

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