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Remake Remodel

This evening, I rededicated myself to my path of working with the gods and learning as much about as much as I can before I die. I'd realized that, working professionally as a rune and card reader, I had been coming home and just vegging out (Midsomer Murders and Miranda "helped"). I'd neglected my altar, and then started avoiding it- no easy feat, since it's on my dresser! I realized that even though I was *dealing* with the runes, I was not working with and learning from them for the last month or so. I realized my poetry had stopped. Tonight I did a small reconnect ceremony, and oathed poetry. The intention is to write to each of "my" gods on their days (where they have known days). Tonight is Thursday, so I wrote to Thor. He's not one of my primaries, and it's still a shy poem, which I will not share, for reasons which I might share at a later date. I have oathed nine weeks of poems, and so will work through this shyness. (It's not Thor, it's me.) Tomorrow, Frigga and Freya. And so on.

It is very easy to get distracted from spiritual work; so many things are willing to inturrupt or take precedence. The task is to keep on, and to pick back up when we realize we've gotten far off the path. Recriminations do not help, taking action does.

The ritual was simple, as is generally my way: Ground (Always!)


Light candle (red this time)

Light incense

Hail everybody (by individual name)

Thanking for the time of reconnecting

Stating of oath (poetry in this case)

Pulling of Runes

Music and noting in book, interpreting of Runes through autowriting of associations*

Writing of first Oath Poem

Breathing and being quiet until candle is done.

I don't provide scripts for rituals for a couple of reasons, but the biggest is that your words are important, and having that personal relationship and a practice which connects YOU with your spirituality is more important than following stage directions. Speak your heart.

* Example of autowriting of associations goes like this: Runes pulled: Raido, Jera, Dagaz, Eihwaz (who jumped out the bowl)

Raido: Journey, this particular leg of the journey, this beginning (due to Dagaz influence), this gathering of lessons (due to Jera influence)

Jera: Harvest, questions of what did you plant, anyway?, are you gathering in the lessons correctly/usefully?, turn of time, end of cycle, beginning of cycle (Dagaz influence - two cycle runes in a row here - do not ignore, they are also repeating runes, meaning they can be drawn and drawn without end, day into night into day into night, turn and turn and turn, etc) Reset.

Dagaz: New day, travel through adversity (night) and into awakening (day), awakening, new thoughts, new way, new chance, beginning of new cycle (see Jera), learn from what has gone before and carry it into the light going forward.

Eihwaz: Connection, the Tree of Worlds, both the Northern tradition, and the inner tree of worlds (connection of self to self), travel between worlds, invitation to reconnect with the denizens of the Tree to become part of the One again. (This last part, due to its jumping out of the bowl as I was pulling the other ones. It stands as its own message, as well as being part of the whole. These were the Thor runes, so that extra outburst sometimes happens, and is important to note.)

So, the message is to continue this journey, taking the lessons forward by reconnecting. It's also a welcoming back.

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