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Cold Spells: Release

This is a spell of releasing oneself from responsibilities that are no longer yours. As a parent, it is important to know when to let go. Knowing and doing are two different things, though, and this spell can be used when you need to remind yourself that it is necessary to back up.

This can be adapted to other caretaker situations. I am using the gender-neutral "they". If you want to be gender specific, go on ahead. These spells are only offerings - ingredients with which you can bake your own cake.

close-up of the rider waite smith Empress card shoing her eyes, but not her mouth.
eyes up, mouth shh

I grant me permission

to let go of this responsibility

which I would take on. Let me, like Frigga, know all but say nothing as they do what they think they must,

as they see best.

Let me, like Frigga, love my child(ren) eternally

while appreciating my influence is finite though my power be great.

I grant me permission

to let go of this responsibility

which they must take on.

Incense, interpretive dance (which I highly recommend if you are in a position to do so, even if it just be a dance of the mind), and any other tools you find helpful are all encouraged.

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Sandra Platten
Sandra Platten
Dec 02, 2022

This is a timely spell, thank you!

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