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Cold Spells: Redistribute

There is, sometimes, nothing like talking about the state of the world with a good friend. Sharpening our eyes and knives against the oncoming fascist wave, we note, again, yet again, what capitalism hath wrought. It will not stop unless we stop it. It will take way more than a spell to bring that about - even if everyone were on board and reciting all at once. It will take action.

Let this be a spell of reminding ourselves that the power that runs the world is in the workers' hands, that the developments and joys are OURS by right of having made them. We need to take it back. Address it to your strongest godspirit, but know the work is down to us.

Take from those who stole our hands' work

who stole our minds' ideas

who stole our hearts' time

all that they thereby gained. Send more than dreams of warning

that allow them time to finish on a high note-

rather, let them fall into the mineshafts,

fry baskets, factory machinery, and drudgery

to which they committed us.

Harsh justice is surely due

when such harsh lives were imposed by those high few.

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