Cold Spells! December Spell-a-Day Project.
Welcome to the first night of December! This month I plan to offer a spell per day that might prove usefull as either as is, or as a springboard from which you can develop your own spells.
First up, is a Severance Spell. I've gotten a number of requests for this, and so here it is.
It is a declaration of freedom. Often, of course, a break-up scenario is involved. It can be adapted to extricate yourself from any situation the effects of which you are still feeling.
I extract from my heart
your poison dart
rewind the strings
shot through my veins
my limbs, my mind.
All your hooks I straighten and eject.
I suffer no further scars
as I make again mine
what I'd offered to be ours.
I like to burn things during spells. Always be sure you are safely doing so, if that is also your preference. For this one, I burned a pertinent document, and then threw the ashes (COOLED!) in the trash, took out the trash, and now it's away from my house.
But what else? I am also now more aware of my own actions in maintaining or stopping contact or connection, and am changing my own behaviour to protect my own heart. The spell is a start - there is also work to be done.