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I spent this past month moving, yes, indeed, all month. It was exhausting, there were tears (my tears), and there was finally relief in that I moved all I was going to move and then that was it, stop, no more. The new place was stuffed with boxes. Everywhere. Books upon books upon heirlooms upon...

It took weeks, and I am still unpacking and will be for a while. But a lot of boxes have been broken down, taken away. Buildings here are wonky - unusual decisions have been made over the centuries to paint this or cover that or knock down or put up a wall. The weirdness in my house involves the floors, which have been half-redone. I knew this coming in.

What I did not know until last night was that the floor in my bedroom/altar room was half-finished in such a way that the exposed original wood is in the shape of a mjolnir. Fully a third of the room. I couldn't see it before because there were a lot of boxes in the way.

I am considering this all to be a rather blunt reminder that we have to make room for the magic to show through. Get things into order, and out of the way so we can see the bigger picture. It takes work, and it's easier to just watch re-runs of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (for totally random example) than to buckle down and give ourselves the space and power we need.

Once we have that space, we have to work to keep it clear, keep it useful, just plain keep it. Having seen the mjolnir once, it does no good to just let clutter creep back up on it, just as it does no good to let the better habits we develop slide. Yes, there will be off days - of course! - but allowing knowledge and talents we work so hard to develop to get lost in the clutter of daily life defeats the purpose of any study or practice: to make a better life.

Praise Frigga and sweep that floor.

Pardon the lingering clutter and odd perspective.

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