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Nice to Meet You


Christie Marie (Foxnose Flitcraft)

Who am I? What am I doing?

This, That, The Other

Let's start with the obvious question: Is that your real name? Yes. And no. But really yes. Flitcraft is a family name. (There's a Flitcraft right over there < in black and white.) Foxnose is my dad-given name. It fits a lot better than the name on my birth certificate. It is who I *am*. What's your real name? What calls to you on a deeper level?

Other things about me: I am in my 50's, and had long-covid, during which I thought a lot about what I wanted to do if I lived through it. Mostly I want to help people and use my gifts (all of them - the woo and the more mundane) to do that. So I got seriouser about spirituality, and found a way to combine that, my love for the French Quarter, and my desire to meet a lot of people for brief but meaningful chats.

I have a BA in creative writing, am working on the third and maybe final draft of my second novel, and am an animist. That means I see and feel the spirit and energy in everything. The world is alive. Connecting with the world - be it in the city, country, or on the waves, is a beautiful thing. Try it - start small, say hey to a little weed that's made its way through the rubble of a construction site, or the water of a puddle. Appreciate the reflection of the sky.

My spiritual work involves waking trances, communication with several entities some call gods, and work with the land spirits (including the house and building spirits), as well as ancestors. I work with the Elder Futhark set of runes, and we communicate well together. I also have a few Tarot and oracle card sets that are friendly as a bridge between the here and the there. I love working in person at Hands of Fate in New Orleans, but am also available for online or phone readings. Drop a line if you would like a distance reading.

I like to work with crystals and other minerals, including making jewelry. Yes, there's an etsy store - which we all seem required by law to have! It's called BindStones. Just as I work with bind runes (come ask me about it!), I like to bind the energies of the stones, bones, and other things to promote a positive outcome or emotion.


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